Just how common is corporate fraud? (NYT)

Wall Street’s top cop is good with the rules (NYT)

Regulators want Congress to act on crypto (NYT)

When does collaboration become collusion? Fashion finds out. (NYT)

Businesses brace for post-Roe woes (NYT)

Musk joins moguls at SCOTUS (NYT)

Gensler awaits a climate storm (NYT)

Code is Law (NYT)

Congress gets a crash course in crypto; Finance cops share crypto tips (NYT)

Big hires, big money and a DC lobbying blitz (NYT)

Washington worries about not-so-stablecoins (NYT)

Crypto’s move into banking elicits alarm in DC (NYT)

Lobbying for BioBonds; Traders take on Robinhood; Companies grapple with voting rights (NYT)

Crypto is minting lobbyists (NYT)

Please don’t follow the money (DealBook)

Business and politics after Jan. 6 (NYT)